Myra Bowen

“Art is the passionate expression of one’s inner soul when words are
insufficient, enlisting the emotion, passion, and thought of the viewer.”
-Myra Bowen
Myra Bowen is an artist residing in Williamston, NC. Creativity has been a
significant part of her life since childhood. While growing up in Lyman, SC, she
was an active Girl Scout who first found her passion for nature and art in her many
Scout activities. Over time, her passion turned into a degree in Biology and a career
of teaching others about nature. In the 1980’s and 90’s she owned and managed a
local art and gift store, then later returned to teaching. Her love of the outdoors is
reflected in her expressive words of art whether they are created in acrylic,
watercolor, oil or pen and ink, or any mixture thereof.
In the future she plans on continuing to devote her time to painting and sharing her
love of painting with others. Several of her original works and prints are also on
display and available for sale at River Walk Gallery, Washington, Martin County
Arts Council, and Brushstrokes Shows in Greenville, NC.
“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward
significance.” -Aristotle 252-792-2610