The Artists
Alicia Garver
Beth Clark
Brenda Wells
Carolyn Sleeper
Charlotte's Daughters
Dindy Reich
Dodi Groesser
Gray Woolard
Jacquiline Clark
John Groesser
Julie Risher
Kathy Dunning
Ken Moore
Maureen Davis
Mindy Maddin
Myra Bowen
Nancy Blass Winn
Rebekah Wanner
Richard Tardell
Consignment Artists
Aida Abernathy
Catherine Walker
Cynthia De La Fontaine
Dan Curry
Kathleen Dentinger
Kevin Fetzer
Libby Behr
Penny Keller Evans
Ruth Hauser
Susan McIntyre
Thomas Munn
Van Bunch
Victoria Fox
Vernon I. Powell
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Meet the Artist
Please join us on July 19 for the first in a series of "Meet the Artist" events.
Myra Bowen - July 19
“Art is the passionate expression of one’s inner soul when words are
insufficient, enlisting the emotion, passion, and thought of the viewer.”
-Myra Bowen
The Artists
Alicia Garver
Beth Clark
Brenda Wells
Carolyn Sleeper
Charlotte's Daughters
Dindy Reich
Dodi Groesser
Gray Woolard
Jacquiline Clark
John Groesser
Julie Risher
Kathy Dunning
Ken Moore
Maureen Davis
Mindy Maddin
Myra Bowen
Nancy Blass Winn
Rebekah Wanner
Richard Tardell
Consignment Artists
Aida Abernathy
Catherine Walker
Cynthia De La Fontaine
Dan Curry
Kathleen Dentinger
Kevin Fetzer
Libby Behr
Penny Keller Evans
Ruth Hauser
Susan McIntyre
Thomas Munn
Van Bunch
Victoria Fox
Vernon I. Powell
About the Gallery
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Classes and Workshops
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